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Permian Regional Medical Center Home Health
Permian Regional Medical Center Home Health


PRMC Hospice started December 14, 2014.

We believe hospice is about living!

What we do and how we are different:

Compassionate and trustworthy care

Our experienced team understands the complexity of issues and feelings that surround hospice care and end of life. Our care process is designed to maximize our patient's quality of life and offer our patients and their loved ones comfort, support and guidance when facing a terminal illness.

Comfort and support

Our goal is to provide a sense of dignity and peace for our patients, while controlling pain, minimizing discomfort and managing symptoms. We also prioritize emotional and spiritual needs, guiding our patients and their loved ones through the end-of-life process.

For more information please contact:
Rhonda Wheat, RN
Director of Hospice
Ph: 432-524-3637
Fax: 432-523-6023
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