Nurse send patient to MRI capsule on moving table. Magnetic resonance imaging of brain. Room of examinaning with medical equipment.
Purpose and Philosophy:
The primary purpose of the Radiology Services at Permian Regional Medical Center is to provide the best possible service to the patient through the attending physician. As we strive to provide this level of care, we must keep the patient's welfare and safety foremost, remembering that we must make a special effort to protect our patient from injury, whether through mechanical or radiological means. We do our best to protect our patient from infection, emotional stress, apprehension and other problems that might be encountered in our department, and to make the patient's visit to Radiology as pleasant and rapid as possible.The patient's physician relies upon the Radiology department to provide him with the best films possible in his search for a diagnosis. Only by use of highly trained, competent, and motivated personnel in the department can such a high standard of care be provided.
The one thought of all the personnel in the department is that quality is more important than quantity. The better the quality of the images that are offered to the Radiologist for interpretation, the better and more accurate the diagnosis.
Primary Objective:
The main objective of the Radiology Department is two-fold. It is to provide the best service to the patient and the physician with the least amount of radiation exposure to the patient and/or operator. It is also to promote better patient care, by assisting the physician in the diagnosis of disease through accurate and prompt radiographic procedures.Services Offered at PRMC
• Ultrasounds: 3D/4D, Echo, Arterial/Vascular• CT Scans
• X-Rays
• Biopsies
• Mammograms
• Bone Density
• Nuclear Medicine
If you have any questions, please contact:
Albert Acosta
Radiology Director
Ph: 432-464-22144
Reception/patient scheduling:
Ph: 432-464-2152
Fax: 432-523-2609